Saturday, July 14, 2018


At the end of this conference, there was a “Press Conference” in which DONALD TRUMP proudly asserted to the World that he had been successful in getting, ‘NATO participating countries’, to spend more on defense’.

Thus, NATO, this, ‘’WAR MAKING’’; this ‘’WAR OBSESSED’’ organization; is now far better equipped to repeatedly wage military ‘aggression’ against RUSSIA; and, constantly provoke, RUSSIA, as well.


As these bastards pursue the objective to dominate and control the World; it was interesting to note, the ‘bastard’ that stood on that platform just to the right of DONALD TRUMP. That, was, JOHN BOLTON, one of the worst ‘WAR CRIMINALS’ there ever has been.

He, as a ‘weapons inspector’ in IRAQ; specifically insisted that Iraq had ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’, and, was intending to use them. Thereby, with this false ‘intelligence report’, he persuaded both ‘BUSH and BLAIR’ to wage the War in Iraq. With all the terrible consequences.

JOHN BOLTON and his wicked lies murdered thousand of innocent men women and children in Iraq; caused all the destruction in Iraq, and, all the trauma of Iraq; yet at the end of that WAR; there was, not one, “Weapon of Mass Destruction”, that was found.


Yet, today, DONALD TRUMP, has appointed him as his, ‘’SECURITY ADVISOR’’.

The mind boggles, merely considering what this ‘bastard’ will advise TRUMP on what he should do. Stand by, for, “WORLD WAR THREE”.




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