Tuesday, July 10, 2018


PARLIAMENT and, “The Law”; and,

Parliaments Non-Compliance with, “LAW”


I invite every UK Adult in the country to recall precisely what they witnessed in Parliament, by Members of Parliament, during all the “BREXIT’ debates.

In the debate on, “Triggering Article 50”, and, the “EU Withdrawal Bill”; in all the stages through parliament; and, in all of the ‘speeches’ for both PRO and CON in all those thousands of words spoken in those debates; there is just one WORD and, one series of four WORDS, that have never been spoken at all:

The WORD is: “LAW”




This demonstrates in stark vivid clarity what MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT, think about, LAW. They have no respect for “LAW’ at all; they merely see “LAW’ as being something that only the “common people” MUST OBEY. Yet, they, every one of them, flout, and breach “LAW’ every day.


Members of Parliament may have no respect for LAW and the - “Rule of Law” – but, I, and probably most of the ‘common people’ of this country, do have respect for LAW; because, WE, rely upon “LAW” as the only alternative to, Anarchy; and, WE, rely on “LAW” – for the protection of, LAW.


Members of Parliament readily accept the “LAW” that tells them, “What they may do”; but, they purposely reject and ignore the “LAW’, that tells them, “WHAT THEY MAY NOT DO”. Even, when that very “instruction” for, both, is contained in the very same BILL, “The Bill of Rights 1689”.


What Parliament may do,

Parliament, and, Members of Parliament, may have the “SUPREMACY” afforded to parliament by “Article 9” of the, “Bill of Rights 1689”; which reads:


“The Freedome of Speech Debates and Proceedings of Parlyament ought not to be Impeached or Questioned in any Court of Place out of Parlyament”

But, this does not give Parliament or Members of Parliament the right to do any damn thing they please; without question or challenge, in the Courts; and, from, within, “LAW”.


What Parliament may NOT do:

Because, the “LAW’ that instructs Parliament on, “WHAT PARLIAMENT MAY NOT DO”; is contained within the very same “Bill of Rights 1689”; this is the, ‘Precedent of Law’ of, “THE SAID RIGHTS CLAIMED”; which specifically instructs Parliament, that when Parliament ‘enacts’ any of the “PREMISES” of the “Bill of Rights 1689”; that, nothing, “OUGHT PREJUDICE THE PEOPLE”.

(Note: The, “PREMISES”, is everything written in the Bill.)


The political party WHIPS in Parliament does, “PREJUDICE” the People; the WHIPS instruction given to Members of Parliament each week, instructing ‘elected’ Members of Parliament on how they must vote; overrules and supplants, all ‘rightful’ influence placed upon those Members of Parliament by the Constituents; that, elected those Members, in the first place. This, ‘travesty’ and outright denial of a true DEMOCRACY; does “PREJUDICE THE PEOPLE”. Thereby, the political party WHIPS in parliament are wholly unlawful and have no ‘legality’ at all.


It, goes without saying, that if the political party WHIPS in Parliament are unlawful; it must therefore follow, that all “Acts’ ‘Motions” and “Bills’ created and passed; “under the influence of the ‘diktat’ of the WHIPS”; must be unlawful as well.



That every “WHIPPED VOTE” taken in Parliament during all the “BREXIT” debates, in all its stages through Parliament; HAS BEEN CORRUPT.


Furthermore, every time the “ROYAL ASSENT’ has been granted to all these ‘Acts’ Motions” and ‘Bills” that have been passed by parliament ‘under the influence of the WHIPS’; they, have all been, corrupt law; as well.

The, “ROYAL ASSENT”, whether ‘granted’ by the Queen herself; or, whether by the DESPOTS and despotism now dominating and controlling the Monarchy, ‘imposing’, that ‘assent’ in her name; the, “ROYAL ASSENT”, has been repeatedly granted to, CORRUPT LAW.

So much, for the “Original Contract” and the duty of the “Reigning Monarch”; this Queen, has abandoned her DUTY; all the years she has occupied that throne.

In consequence of all of this, all the ‘BREXIT” legislation passed by parliament ‘under the influence of the WHIPS; is, CORRUPT.


Therefore, the, “Triggering of Article 50”, and, the, “EU Withdrawal Bill” passed by parliament under the influence of the WHIPS; now, has no ‘legality’ at all. Both BILLS will now have to be presented to Parliament again; but, this time, all the voting must be by, FREE VOTE.


Gordon J Sheppard


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